dUninstaller works smarter and harder so you don’t have to
Posted on May 30, 2016
Some updates to the dUninstaller plugin mean that it’s working more effectively than ever to remove applications. The application itself is being updated more reliably when run on the computer, so you get the best results possible from it. It’s no longer even needed on your L: as it’s going to be downloaded from the internet to make things easier for you. And in addition to dUninstaller running to remove applications, additional steps are taken for more persistent applications. For instance, the Ask Toolbar utility is run to remove the Ask Toolbar if it’s installed and blacklisted, and some other tricks are in place for similar type applications. This update means that as we find more applications that are problematic to remove, we can implement more targeted steps to remove them.
Special thanks for the feedback about some pesky applications so we could start this process! If you’re not yet using dUninstaller, you can get more information here.