Glued – Network Devices and Network Printers Sync
As long as a clients in CWA are mapped to ITG organizations, you can have network devices data synced every 24 hours to ITG. More information about client mapping and the sync selection screen.
Glued will automatically create the Flexible Asset Type named “Network Devices (Glued)”. Network devices will be added here to include the client location, device name and IP address, device type, mac address, last contact (via network probe), status, uptime, and hardware manufacturer (based on mac address). Whenever a new network device is added for the client, it will be added here. New information is updated as needed, so the revision history for each network has details should problems or questions arise. If a network device is deleted from CWA, it will be marked as Deleted in ITG rather than being removed. This is so that it’s available for historical records. It can be safely deleted from ITG if desired.
While syncing network devices, Glued will also sync network printers to a separate flexible asset. This information include the printer location, ip, name, total printed pages, and any problems found (such as low paper, jams, etc). If a network printer is deleted from CWA, it will be marked as Deleted in ITG rather than being removed. This is so that it’s available for historical records. It can be safely deleted from ITG if desired.