LabTech Plugin: Toast
Posted on April 7, 2016
And it’s not even burnt (unless you want it to be)! This simple plugin will enable you to have toast notifications when commands are queued, executing and completed while a computer window is open. Click on the toast to have the computer window brought to the front, or right-click to configure the colors of the toast (so you can get that burnt color if you want it).
Toast is disabled by default for each user. They can enable it by going to the Tools menu and clicking Show Toasts (as shown in the second picture). Enjoy!
You already know it, but get it via the Plugin Installer.
Love this!
One thing I’ve noticed with multiple monitors, the toasts seem to like to stay on one screen. I can’t figure out if it’s the primary monitor or just whatever monitor LT was on when I opened it. But it would certainly be helpful if the toasts could stay on whatever screen was currently showing the computer mgmt. window.
I’ll see what can be done about that. Thanks for the feedback.
Today I noticed that I’m continuing to see Toasts pop-up for computers that I no longer have open in LT. In other words, even after closing the computer mgmt window in the control center, I’m still getting toast prompts for these systems.
Well that’s no good. I’ll see if something somewhere isn’t stopping properly and get an update soon.
Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for the feedback. I was only able to recreate the issue with popups occurring after closing the computer window if there were a number of command status changes queued at the time the window closed. I’ve put in a check to prevent that from occurring. As for the notification showing up on the same monitor as LT, I’ve got that partially fixed. It will show up wherever the Control Center is, not the actual computer window. This is to keep the plugin from locking up the computer window. While I was at it, I also added the ability to adjust the amount of time the toast is displayed in the same window as the colors.
Make sure you update with the plugin installer, and thanks again!
Something else I noticed but haven’t dug into: At least one of my users is reporting that he doesn’t see the “Show Toasts” option in his tools menu. Are any special user groups/assignments necessary in order for users to see this in their control center?
Nope. But if you’re using 10.5, they’ll need to have permissions to the plugin in the user configuration screen.
So I updated one of the classes to grant permission to the plugin and then had a user log out and back into control center but they still aren’t seeing the ‘show toasts’ option. I could be completely doing this wrong, but any pointers or screenshots of the correct config would be appreciated.
Is it working for anyone in your environment? Also, can you try adding the permissions to a user rather than the user class to see if that helps? The plugin itself doesn’t do any particular permission checks, so the menu item should be there for everyone with permissions through LabTech.
Sorry for my very late reply. I finally had time to test with another user today and he had no issues seeing it after I edited ONLY the user class. I suspect my previous test subject didn’t properly restart the control center OR possibly needed to ‘refresh cache’ within the control center.
Either way, adding to the user class appears to have resolved this for us.
Glad to hear it!